
According to Jigme Lingpa, there are four different types of devotion:
(1) Inspiring devotion:
You read and hear the words of the Buddha and they
make sense, and therefore you feel attracted to the Dharma. Ideally this is the kind of devotion you begin with.
(2) Desiring devotion: Like a bee desiring pollen, you have a desire to create certain qualities in yourself—the desire to apply the teachings and attain their result.
(3) Trusting devotion: You begin to see the unsurpassable and nondeceiving quality of the triple gems, and therefore you have confidence in the master and the teaching from the bottom of your heart.
(4) Nonreturning devotion: Once you’re convinced that the thing above you is the sky, nothing will shatter that conviction. Once you have developed a trust in view, meditation, and action through hearing, meditation, and contemplation, you will never see the guru as anything other than the Buddha. You enter onto the path of the Dharma with strong determination and a conviction that you will never turn back. This is what we call “nonreturning devotion.”


~ Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche.


Published by All_About_Passion

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