– Tathagat –

one night that the Buddha attains an enlightenment one night that the Buddha attains Nirvana During these 2 nights, the Buddha teaches Dhamma to all of you. All words of Dhamma always has the same meanings that is to bring all of you from Suffering. None of word is strange to each other None of word is conflict to each other. This is the meaning of ‘Tathagat’ Bhikkhu(Monks) Tathagat always do as same as Tathagat talk Tathagat always talk as same as Tathagat do Thus, this is my name ‘Tathagat’ the Buddha Gotam The Buddha kindly explain the original meaning of ‘Tathagat’ to all of us. Tathagat means ‘being real’

Published by All_About_Passion


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